Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today's News

This is one of those posts you can file under "other stuff."

Here's what I learned on my drive home today while listening to NPR.

There's a woman in Sun City, Arizona, who has to drive 90 minutes - each way - to work every day. It costs her $50 to fill up her car. She's taken to buying non-perishable food - such as frozen dinners (chicken nuggets, lasagna) - in place of real groceries. Cheaper, and they won't go bad. On her birthday, she really wanted to go somewhere nice, but because her family was worried about money, so they ended up at Applebee's. 

I also learned that 4 major American oil companies just won no bid contracts to the Iraqi oil fields. There was some mention of "charity" in the story. 

You can buy stock in oil, and family chain restaurants, in this economy. Why should corporate giants have to suffer. W would like that.