Monday, March 24, 2008

Polaroid Obit

Next summer, 61 years after it was invented, Polaroid will stop making film for its cameras. 

The polaroid has been a beloved tool of casting directors, especially commercial casting directors, in all the time I've been acting. At any commercial audition, one must fill out a size card and have a Polaroid taken. The polaroid is then stapled to the size card, and given to the casting director, or whoever happens to be in the room.

I've never, ever looked good in a Polaroid picture. But I'm not alone. I've seen models, actual models, real life models at auditions not look good in their Polaroids. Giselle has taken bad Polaroids. And yet, I have a certain affinity for the instant gratification of the photo, the rote mechanism it has become in my life. I blindly fill out the size card, I put on my carbon copy smile, bend at the knees a little (because I'm always taller than the person taking my picture, and you never look good shot from below) and FLASH! I am captured in an instant and stapled to my sizes.

So for all you actors out there, having a Polaroid taken will soon be a thing of the past. I encourage you to cherish the moment.

Up next, the barcode. And why I have one.

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