Thursday, February 28, 2008

Speaking of Cattle

So, I'm on someone's sh*tlist right now for not signing an animal rights petition. It was about veal. And she brought it, I kid you not, to a steak dinner, to have the guests sign it. 

I like veal. I like it tender. I like it the same way I like Fois Gras from suffering fowl. I also have a dog that I love very much. I believe in animal rights - I'm just not sure when it comes to the ones I eat. 

I didn't make an issue about not signing it, by the way, I just politely passed it back without my name on it. Where I come from, you don't bring petitions to dinner. And you don't get mad at people for not signing them. I believe that's what led to fascism.

But really, a veal petition at a steakhouse?

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